This week we were asked to write about where we find titles of books we might like to read. My favorite way to find books is by word of mouth. I read a lot of books recommended by friends (or even celebrities like Oprah) or that my friends have reviewed on GoodReads. I also follow some blogs of people who write book reviews and sometimes a title they review will sound like something I'd enjoy. I might search the library for other titles of an author I love (such as Rainbow Rowell or Sophie Kinsella). Sometimes I search what's new in a certain genre. I have found titles before by reading the New York Times Bestseller lists, and on occasion I have just walked through the library shelves and picked out something with a clever title and eye catch cover. For my reader's advisory practice, I used mainly Novelist, with some GoodReads and good old fashioned Google searching thrown in.
How about you? How do you find the books you'd like to read?
Word of mouth, book displays, and goodreads!